Sunday, November 25, 2012

15. Day PLUS 5 On The Clinical Trial

So far so good on my adventure on the clinical trial ABT-199 to help get my Leukemia under control.  And all with little side effects.

No nausea what so ever.

But the first few days after I took the first pill I experienced a little light headiness, (a little
like having chemo brain for those of you who know what this like), along with a mild head ache. But this went away last Friday the 23rd , which as of then I have actually been starting to feel better.

One thing I know is that I have not been able to eat as much as I usually do even though my appetite has been good, as I get a fuller feeling faster.

Could be it has to do with some tumor lysis filling my spleen up with dead cells?  As if it wasn’t swollen enough already!
Oh well, I am the first to admit I can stand to loose 10 to 15 pounds!

Week two on this trial starts tomorrow Monday November 26th.

I will go in for blood work/labs at 1:00 PM Pacific time, then I see the P. A. and the trial coordinator at 2:00 PM, where they will look at the most recent labs and compare them to the previous labs taken both before, during and the days after the first pill to calculate my next dosages of the medication.
Then I will most likely be leaving there with the weeks worth of meds to take at home.
I also go back in on Tuesday and Wednesday of this coming week for additional blood work/labs.
Then I’ll get to do this all over again on Monday December 3rd.

Looking forward to getting this show going on a regular basis now!

Never Ever Give Up

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